I am a foodie

Scott enjoying some form of food item

Scott enjoying some form of food item

Over the past 16 years, Scott has taught me much about being a foodie.  And he’s learned that my nickname is “Dyson” – an upgrade from “Hoover” many years ago.

Yes, I eat quickly.  Yes, I do taste food and I enjoy it, but food, for me, is about sustenance and energy to do what I do in my daily life.  It’s not necessarily about savouring and a particular scene from “When Harry Met Sally”, which wasn’t really about the food anyway.

I digress – Today we did the tasting with Herrera’s Catering.  We picked Herrera’s because of friends of ours have used them in the past, we’ve had their food before, as well it’s run by the sister of a friend of ours.  Why wouldn’t we go with them?

Ian from Herrera’s has helped us to feel considerably relaxed as we pick menu items and such for our day, assisting with food allergies that friends of ours have, etc…

Now as much as I want to gush and give you details about the food… Scott and I have agreed that we are not giving anything away.  Nope, my mouth is shut – I’m not telling you anything about what we have planned.  Some of you will already know the general details, but I’m not going to say anything further.  It’s different, it’s not your standard fare for a wedding, but it’s also classic.

When we arrived, several dishes were laid out for Scott and I to try absolutely everything on the menu that we picked for the day.

As I tried the first piece of about sixteen, an appetizer, my inner foodie came out and started dancing describing how you get a high note of mint that melds into… that finishes off with… and marries with…

And the look on Scott’s face was priceless, and he said, “What happened to my husband? When did you become and start talking like a foodie?”

Yes, I’m secretly a foodie and Scott had never heard me describe food in such ways.  It’s all about context for me.  I’m there for a tasting, not for a free meal – which really isn’t a free meal anyway as we’re going with them for our catering, and remember – there’s no such thing as a free meal.

I gotta say, the food was amazing.  Meeting Dean, the Executive Chef, who explained everything that was being served was great – a chance to see who is behind the great food.  The rest was for Scott and I to eat and yay or nay.  Everything was yayed!  It was fantastic, and there’s something for everyone – vegetarian, gluten free, chocolate lovers, etc…

You won’t be disappointed, that’s for sure.

The desserts, wow perfect size, and my mother and sister will be way more than pleased – and one of the desserts that is being served is a favourite of theirs.

Out of all the food items – one stood out.  All I am allowed to say is, “It’s like thanksgiving dinner in a single bite.”