
Gift Registry "Arch" at The Bay Queensway

Gift Registry “Arch” at The Bay Queensway

So… this post will be about our “journey” to getting registered at The Bay in preparation for our wedding.

Once the proposal was accepted we began to talk about several things, and one of those things was the idea of establishing a potential Gift Registry at one of the major department stores.   Initially, Iain was not too thrilled with the idea.  He was quite resistant and mostly was saying “But do we really need to do that” or “Do we really need to register?” or “We don’t really need anything like that, do we?”.   I suggested to that having a Registry is as much about us, and opportunity to open a new chapter in our home, but also about giving the guests to our celebration a source for ideas should they decide they want to get something.

Iain with a Scanner! :-)

Iain with a Scanner! 🙂

I think it was a plus that when we booked the appointment, we happened to see a couple just finishing up and they had one of the laser scanner handheld devices – and you could see Iain’s face light up!  Sold!

With that idea that having a Registry was cool, we visit our local “The Bay” to set-up an appointment.   Unfortunately, with all of the excitement and “busy-ness” of the first month back after Christmas, we accidently double-booked, and had to move it to the following weekend.   That brings us to Saturday, January 26th, 2013 and our 1pm appointment with one of the “Gift Registry Consultants”   We really lucked out with ours, and had someone who was excited, full of energy, and totally into the idea of helping us get things organized.

Us with Darlene the Awesome Gift Registry Consultant!!

Us with Darlene the Awesome Gift Registry Consultant!!

Darlene walked us through the whole process – the benefits of having a Registry – including a “Completion Card” that gives us a 10% discount on all items on the Registry  from now until 1 year after the wedding, the number of items they recommend to have on a Registry with a certain number of guests, and then suggestions of what sort of stuff to consider.   They have a really great “suggestion” book for some of the basic things.    

spectrum-chaletSince we were sitting in and around all the dishes/china, we decide we would start there and work our way “out” from there.    We poked around at the selection that they had, and eventually settled on a more formal dinnerware pattern from Noritake called Spectrum (see a post sometime soon with details) and after some tense moments we eventually settled on a mirror finished stainless steel flatware choice from Splendide called Chalet (post to come soon).     We started wandering around the other kitchen stuff and decided to ask for some of the Bay’s “everyday” dishes to replace the ones that we currently have.

We finished out the initial Registry creation process by looking at and adding a few small appliances, some bakeware, items for entertaining, and some towels.   All and all it was a really fun experience.    We will be adding more to the Registry to round the whole thing out over the next month or so, but at least it has been started! 🙂

